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Equació begin mathsize 18px style ax squared plus straight c space equals space 0 space left parenthesis straight a times straight c greater than 0 right parenthesis end styleen ℂ
Si l'equació és del tipus ax2 + c = 0, i a·c>0, aïlla la x:
begin mathsize 12px style bold ax to the power of bold 2 bold plus bold c bold equals bold 0 bold left right double arrow bold ax to the power of bold 2 bold equals bold minus bold c bold space bold left right double arrow bold x to the power of bold 2 bold equals bold minus bold c over bold a end style

Com que -c/a és negatiu, es transforma en begin mathsize 12px style bold c over bold a bold times bold i to the power of bold 2 end style
I les solucions són: begin mathsize 12px style bold x bold equals bold plus-or-minus square root of bold c over bold a bold times bold i to the power of bold 2 end root bold equals bold plus-or-minus bold i square root of bold c over bold a end root end style

La fracció i l'arrel es simplifiquen, si es pot.

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