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Teorema de Pitàgores

1. Coneguts b i c, s'aplica el teorema de Pitàgores per trobar la hipotenusa a:   begin mathsize 12px style bold a bold equals square root of bold b to the power of bold 2 bold plus bold c to the power of bold 2 end root end style.
2. Si es coneix a i b (o a i c) es calcula el costat que falta amb begin mathsize 12px style bold c bold equals square root of bold a to the power of bold 2 bold minus bold b to the power of bold 2 end root bold space bold space bold space bold o bold space bold space bold space bold space bold b bold equals square root of bold a to the power of bold 2 bold minus bold c to the power of bold 2 end root end style
3. Per determinar els angles aguts, es fan servir les raons trigonomètriques: Error converting from MathML to accessible text.
Raons trigonomètriques
sin B = b/a; cos B = c/a; tg B = b/c
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