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Extracció de factors

Per extreure un factor, es DIVIDEIX la seva potència per l'índex (el quocient queda a fora, i el residu a dins):

fourth root of bold x to the power of bold 11 end root bold space bold equals bold space bold x to the power of bold 2 bold space root index bold 4 of bold x to the power of bold 3 end root     (11: = 2 ·4 + 3) 

També es pot fer així: root index bold 4 of bold x to the power of bold 11 end root bold equals root index bold 4 of bold x to the power of bold 4 bold times bold x to the power of bold 4 bold times bold x to the power of bold 3 end root bold equals bold x to the power of bold 2 bold space root index bold 4 of bold x to the power of bold 3 end root

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