
How this works

A multinumerical question allows to ask students for an answer made of several (numeric) parameters.

Example: find X and Y such that

  • X + Y < 20
  • X * Y > 35

There are possibly several correct answers to this question, and any answer satisfying these conditions should be considered correct.

This question type allows then to define the parameters we're looking for (here, X and Y) and the given constraints.


  • Enter a list of comma-separated parameters (in our example "X,Y").
    Note : units may be entered after each parameter: "X [m],Y [h]" (a blank space has to exist between the parameter and its unit).
  • Enter the constraints, one per line; in our example:
    X + Y < 20
    X * Y > 35
    (empty lines will be ignored)

    Available operators are :

    • "=" (equality)
    • "<" (less than)
    • "<=" (less or equal)
    • ">" (greater than)
    • ">=" (greater or equal)
    • intervals:
      X = [1;5]
      X = ]1;5[
  • Enter if desired a feedback for each constraint. In our example, one could enter:
    OK : X + Y < 20 | No, X + Y >= 20 !
    OK : X * Y > 35 | No, X + Y <= 35 !
  • If "Display calculation result" is checked, the feedback will display a numerical evaluation of each of the constraints. This is only displayed if the feedback for this constraint is not empty.
    If "Only for calculations" is checked, this will not be displayed for non-calculated constraints (such as X > 5), in order to not give away the answer to the learner.
  • The "Grade calculation" option defines whether a partially correct answer yields a fraction of the grade, or the null grade.