STEM collection
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Calculus Physics Algebra English Español Català


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WIRIS quizzes

to keep track of students activity.

Meaningful math questions

With WIRIS open answer the student has to fill-in the answer.
Choosing the right answer is not enough!!

Include random parameters in math & science questions.
Refresh the question to find a different version.

More details in WIRIS quizzes features

In Moodle...

WIRIS quizzes questions are available in Moodle.
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Math is the core... STEM is the goal

Most of the content is around mathematics. Content beyond Algebra and Calculus is welcome.

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Free to share... most of the times

Content contributed by schools and universities around the world.Most of our contributors are happy to share the content that is shared in Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike

Some colleagues and Publishers prefer to let you use the content but not to share it.

Any licensing question will be clarified by